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Viewing all businesses Page 9 of 16
Mere Point Oyster Company
We are a family-owned company dedicated to healthy oceans and coastal communities.
The Beach Plum Company
Garden tools, accessories & gift ideas inspired by nature and the outdoors
Creative Images Hair Salon
Proudly carrying Aveda, Eufora, and Loma hair products! Along with Aveda hair color and Kemon.
Brooks Trap Mill
We supply commercial fishermen with traps to catch lobster, shrimp, conch, crab, eel, fish, & more!
Freeport Hardware
A True Value Store Hardware Store • Home Improvement • Outdoor Equipment
Hoppe’s Tree Service
Maine’s Finest Tree Removal & Tree Care Services
J’Adore Consignment
Clothing, Furniture, Antiques, and Decor
Treats of Maine
Food is made from scratch daily with passion, local foods and hard working people.
E.L. Spear Inc.
5th generation family business. 119 years of serving Mid-Coast Maine’s Lumber and Hardware needs.
Wiscasset Auto Parts
Thank you for shopping local!
The Green Thumb
Green Thumb is a full service nursery and greenhouse located in Rockport!