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Welcome to Midcoast Buy Local, your regional resource supporting local businesses in Mid Coast Maine. Whether you’re a Mainah or “from away”, the Midcoast Buy Local directory is your connection to businesses that embody the unique character that defines life in Mid Coast Maine.
Everyone benefits by knowing where their purchases are sourced from, and who to contact if there is a need. That’s where we come in! Midcoast Buy Local is the spot to connect you with homegrown businesses, right here in the Mid Coast. Search for businesses via the interactive map, by categories and region, and/or by Local Rewards participation.

Keeping It Salty! Shakin' it up with local flavor!
Ready to mingle with the locals? Let Midcoast FCU be your guide with an insider’s perspective on life in Mid Coast Maine. From the best swimming holes to lobster rolls to charitable organizations doing great things in their communities, our blog will give you the scoop on how we celebrate the region we call home.