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Viewing all businesses in the Southern Mid Coast region
Buy Low Baby
Affordable *NEW* & Consigned Baby/Toddler Clothing and Equipment!
Brooks Trap Mill
We supply commercial fishermen with traps to catch lobster, shrimp, conch, crab, eel, fish, & more!
Wilbur’s of Maine
Featuring Decadent Maine Chocolate Confections like chocolate-covered Maine blueberries & needhams!
Midcoast Federal Credit Union
Straightforward products and services designed to help you achieve your financial goals.
Outdoor Gear Consignment & Rentals
Over the Moon
Intimate apparel destination specializing in professional bra-fitting for all shapes & sizes.
New Meadows Auto Sales
Your buying experience with New Meadows Auto Sales is our number one priority.
Fiona’s Catering
Lunch trucks in Bath, Brunswick & Tophsam. We cater sandwiches, salads, baked goods & more!
Dirigo Custom Structures
Going beyond the basics to provide affordable, customized Modular homes.
Midcoast Federal Credit Union
Straightforward products and services designed to help you achieve your financial goals.
Mail It 4U
At Mail It 4 U, our mission is to provide you with high quality products at affordable prices!